????在美國,杰出雇主都很清楚,豐厚的福利待遇是爭奪優(yōu)秀人才的關鍵?,F(xiàn)在,可能所有人都在談論Facebook和蘋果(Apple)剛剛推出的卵子冷凍福利,但其他公司也有一些為家有兒女的員工提供的豐厚福利。以下是《財富》雜志(Fortune)最偏愛的七種: ????在線請愿網(wǎng)站Change.org:為所有剛當父母的員工提供18周帶薪育嬰假 |
????The nation’s top employers know that premium benefit packages are a great way to compete for top talent. Everyone may be talking about Facebook and Apple’s new egg-freezing perk, but there are plenty of other great offerings for parents at companies across the country. Here are seven of Fortune‘s favorites: ????Change.org: 18 weeks on paid parental leave for all parents |

????這家請愿網(wǎng)站在本周早些時候宣布,公司將為所有剛剛當上父親、母親的員工提供18周的全薪育嬰假——不管孩子是你親生的還是領養(yǎng)的。 ????金寶湯公司(Campbell Soup):公司內部托管班和幼兒園 |
????The petition website announced earlier this week that it will offer 18 weeks of fully-paid parental leave to every employee who becomes a new parent — biological or not. ????Campbell Soup: On-site after school programs and kindergarten classes |

????除了為家有幼兒的父母提供此項福利外,位于新澤西州卡姆登的金寶湯公司還提供多種兒童暑期課程,并在公司為哺乳期媽媽單獨辟有哺乳室。 ????強生(Johnson & Johnson):私人門房服務 |
????On top of this great benefit for parents of young children, the Camden, NJ-based soup company also offers summer programs for children and has a lactation room on its campus for nursing mothers ????Johnson & Johnson: Private concierge service |

????需要有人幫忙取洗好的衣服或購買生活用品嗎?強生公司提供了門房服務來幫助繁忙的父母和其他員工,讓他們有更多時間做自己喜歡的事情。 |
????Need help picking up your laundry or getting your grocery shopping done? Johnson & Johnson offers a concierge services to help busy parents – as well as other employees – spend more time doing things they enjoy. |